Vector Bros. the Crocodiles Escape the Warehouse


Vector the Crocodile teams up with his brother Hector the Crocodile. Together, Vector and Hector are Vector Bros! They’re stuck in a factory, and they need to work together (as a family!) to escape to the outside world, but first they’re going to have to collect every single ring in the factory! Stand on one another’s shoulders, push boxes, and get to the blue skies!

This game is two-player friendly! Share the screen with modern split-screen technology! Play with your friend, play with yourself, play with your buddy, or play with your friend’s buddy’s self!

W, A, and D control Vector, while the arrow keys control Hector (up jumps!)

Press J and K at the same time to reset the level if you get stuck.

The Vector sprite is courtesy of Yuski.

Made for the Vector 3D Jam Multi-Game Pirate Kart.

Vector the Crocodile Wants a Lot of Rings


Vector the Crocodile is in an old abandoned fortress full of rings. He wants these rings! A lot of them! The game has THREE EXCITING ENDINGS depending on how many rings Vector gets.

Press X to jump.

Press UP to go in the red door when you’re done.

The Vector sprite was made by Yuski.

Made for the Vector 3D Jam Multi-Game Pirate Kart.



Push the X button over and over to simulate tugging on the rope that operates the portcullis. Let in your countrymen! Don’t go too fast or you’ll lose stamina. Don’t let it hold too long in one place, or it’ll fall! And if you don’t have enough stamina, you won’t be able to catch it!

This game is technically a “Special Edition” because the first version of the game was made in the standard two-hour timeframe of Glorious Trainwrecks events and I couldn’t resolve a game-breaking bug. The Special Edition also has special sky tinting.

Made for Themed Trainwreck Somedays #3, with the theme “single button.”

About a Ball

A single-room game, About a Ball is a dense, difficult platformer in which a red ball must make its way through a hostile triangle-infested series of chambers.

My first released game in six years and my first in the Game Maker engine. It grew out of a series of tests I had done based on Derek Yu’s Game Maker tutorials. The platforming is relatively simple, with stiff, fixed-height jumps and large hitboxes, but the structure of the level is built to accommodate these limitations.

The version available in the above download link is version 1.2, which gives the player unlimited lives and adds sound effects. Version 1.2 was completed in 2012 but never officially released until April 2017. The initial release had a limit of five lives and no sound (the jump action was also remapped from the up button to the X key). Both games have complicated scoring systems related to how long it takes you to complete the stage. Version 1.01 is also available.